Patience and Perseverance

532First of all, we need patience. I am on the path, I have to walk a few more miles to reach my goal, and so today I have to move forward at least an inch. Therefore, I have to be patient.

This patience must be dynamic, that is, effective, so that I understand that I am steadily taking another step and another step forward. I have to feel that every day I am going over new discernments. What did not work out yesterday, I am trying to do today, and I see it as advancement.

Even if I despair from the lack of success and criticize the path, this is already a success because yesterday I did not feel that there wasn’t any success, I did not understand that I was making a mistake and was not progressing. And today I feel it, and this is a part of the progress.

It is impossible to advance in any other way. Advancement always happens on the basis of descents, and problems, and revelation of the shattering. If there is no shattering, then there is nothing to correct and nowhere to advance. Therefore, the shattering was arranged even before our creation, and then we began to exist from a small informational gene (Reshimo), which began to develop.

However, here you have to be very consistent so that at the very moment you feel a lack of success, be ready to immediately continue.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/23/22, Writing of Rabash, Article 164 “What to Ask of the Creator – to Be His Servant”

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