Real Redemption Is Attained By Exile

Dr. Michael LaitmanThere are two basic inner states: exile and redemption. In fact they both belong to spirituality, since you cannot feel that you are in exile if you don’t feel an echo, a reflection of redemption, which means if you don’t feel redemption in some way.

Children who were born in prison or in labor camps in Siberia, sometimes lived there for years, unable to get out, and it was their whole world, the whole planet. Yes, they were told about some other life, but they lived and were brought up under the conditions in the camps, unable to see anything else.

We learn everything from its opposite, it isn’t just a few differences, but in order to see a full picture it has to be diametrically opposite. If I want to attain love, for example, I have to reach hate, and the more hate, the more I can feel greater love, until it comes to the state of “love will cover all the sins,” and then it becomes absolute love.

It is the same with redemption and exile:

  • Is it possible to reach redemption without leaving exile?
  • Is it possible to acknowledge exile without being attracted to redemption?

All these states follow one another in different manners and styles and by that enable a person to find out exactly all the discernments in exile compared to all the discernments in redemption. It is only when these two pictures are placed one opposite the other that a big empty vessel is revealed, a burning desire, and also a great filling, which doesn’t put out the fire in the vessel. This is because in spirituality a person works in order to bestow, which means that he fills his vessel only in order to adhere to the Creator.

Accordingly, in our world we also go through different corporeal states, as a replica of spiritual states. Here too there is exile and redemption, but everyone understands these concepts differently, regardless of the Creator and spiritual ascents, and sometimes regardless of the nation, the state, or a certain place.

On the other hand, it may well be that “redemption” for us is connection in which we discover a good and happy life on a corporeal level, regardless of spirituality. In that case, we call the hate and the daily problems “exile.” A similar approach, without any explanations about spiritual roots is also legitimate when we turn to people.
From the 4th part the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/28/12, Exile and Redemption”

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