Improve the Quality of Your Life

Separate the Truth from the LiesA question I received: The central, practical question of life that interests every person in the world is: How do you actually improve the quality of life and the productivity of what you actually do in life? But instead of giving a complex, effective and practical answer, all the world’s sages offer only a simple and indirect answer that says more or less the same thing: “Real life is trivial compared to endless study of some theoretical wisdom.” This definitely doesn’t give us anything good here on earth, nor does it really improve the quality of life for any lasting period, and moreover, it sets people against one another, making some people wealthier at the expense of others, and so on.

As a result, people are repulsed by any kind of wisdom. Today there are no exemplary sages, but there many “anti-sages.” Why doesn’t an abundance of “books of wisdom” bring about practical progress and an improvement in the quality of life and its productivity? Why don’t good words go hand in hand with good actions?

My Answer: It’s because we are still unable to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and hence, the liars around us subconsciously “work for us” in order to make us smarter and expose them. We will then discover the true purpose of existence and the one method to attain it. Kabbalah is no theory. Read about how it’s attained (from the “Introduction to Talmud Eser Sefirot,” item 155):

“Why then, did the Kabbalists obligate each person to study the wisdom of Kabbalah? Indeed there is a great thing in it, worthy of being publicized: There is a wonderful, invaluable remedy to those who engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah. Although they do not understand what they are learning, through the yearning and the great desire to understand what they are learning, they awaken upon themselves the Lights that surround their souls.” And to the degree one is influenced by the Light, one starts feeling the Upper World – here and now.

In other words, you are being offered practical means to clearly discover the Upper World, instead of something abstract. In addition to your five senses, you develop a sense called “the soul,” which perceives the Upper World. In this sense, you perceive the part of you that’s eternal, instead of your temporary body. This is what distinguishes Kabbalah (authentic Kabbalah, not the commercial one) from all other methods, theories, and philosophies. This wisdom is strictly practical, just like its purpose: “Reveal your world in this life!” (Olamcha Tire Be Chayecha).

Related Material: Post: The Cracks in the Floor of Supposition, and the Firm Base of Attainment Post: The Irrationality of Kabbalah Post: Kabbalah and Other Teachings Post: What Is the Upper Light?
Article: The Sixth Sense

One Comment

  1. How will I improve my philosophy of life as a catholic priest? Do help me please.I wish to get doctorate in philosophy but the financial constraint on me is much.In you i remain.Thanks.

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