Staying In Harmony Between Two Celestial Bodies

Dr. Michael LaitmanAll the cycles of time, except for the week, are related to cosmic systems: the new moon, morning, daytime, evening, etc. The week seems to have been born from the human mind.

The fact is that we are inside a very interesting system: We depend on both the moon and the sun. That’s why calendars have a double nature: The Muslim calendar is based on the cycle of the moon; the Christians’ is contingent on phases of the sun, and the Judaic calendar combines both solar and lunar cycles.

This is why Muslim holidays are not rigidly tied to concrete dates and “wander” from winter to summer, from spring to autumn. Christian holidays are also inconstant. As for the Jewish calendar, it is stable since it is based on the middle line: It’s not tied to the right line (as is the Muslim calendar), nor to the left line (as in Christianity), but rather it is founded on a combination of two natural forces, that of receiving and that of bestowal. We depend on the sun and the moon, on the properties of receiving and giving. We are not stuck with one particular line. That’s why our calendar is consistent.

However, the Jewish calendar is not that simple! There are certain dates such as “shvita” and “Yovel,” every four years there is a leap year, and twice in 27 years there is a solar circuit, etc. But the calendar created several thousand years ago hasn’t changed.

Question: So according to this calendar we can accurately figure out what will happen in the future?

Answer: The fact that it’s linked to two natural forces means that we follow nature and use its powers in a harmonious way. This calendar is based on both solar and lunar cycles and it exemplifies this idea.

The moon shows us how the Earth relates to the sun. In other words, if I were the Earth, the moon would show me my screen by allowing me to watch the altering phases from full moon to complete diminishment (new moon) and waxing and waning again. They would display whether I relate to the Creator and to the Light correctly and whether I change at each particular phase starting at a completely diminished state and going to the full moon, and repeating these phases again and again.

The approximate four weeks that separate the waxing and waning moon comprise a full cycle that is similar to one day: “And there was evening, and there was morning—one day.” In other words, we wake up at sunrise; the sun influences us in a way that our egoism increases, thus creating the left line which leads the sun to the end of the day and eventually giving birth to the night and the moon.

Lunar phases appear in different constellations and create an integral and yet simple picture; the more we explore this picture, the more we have a feeling of an absolute harmony.

This is like a musician who perceives a melody deep in his heart and says: “It’s a lovely chord, a beautiful instrumentation, but it lacks one note that has to be played by a trumpet!” That one additional note by the trumpet allows us to experience the sensation of harmony.

It’s overwhelming and thrilling. That’s why it’s said that the attainment of the Creator is perfection.
From KabTV’s “The Mysteries of the Eternal Book” 2/4/13

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One Comment

  1. Could you explain why the Muslim calender is lunar based and of the right line, that is bestowal. And the Christian is solar based on the left that is reciprocal. It seems the opposite of their traits the sun bestows(+) and moon receives(-)?

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