View from Concealment

963.6Question: It is easy to feel shame in our world. Why is it so hard to feel it about the Creator?

Answer: The fact is that we do not feel the Creator and do not imagine Him, and that is why it is difficult for us to feel what He feels, what He has from us, and what we receive from Him. For us, this is all a closed account. Therefore, our state is called concealment.

Question: You can still feel shame about the group because we get a lot from it. But is it difficult to imagine that the Creator is behind the group?

Answer: When you begin to come closer to the group, then you will start to feel the Creator behind it. To feel Him, one must strive with all one’s soul to connect with the group.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 11/2/23

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Shame That Opens Up The Heart
Shame—The First Restriction
Shame Is The Opposite Of Perfection

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