To Win the War Against Evil

963.5The most important thing that everyone needs to know today is that the connection between us, even across distances and borders, must save the world from evil.

If with every falling rocket, hatred and grievances toward friends and the Creator grow within you, you must remember that everything comes from the Creator: all your desires and feelings. Therefore, you need to turn to Him and ask for correction in order to feel love instead of hatred, closeness instead of distance. And thus it will happen to all of us.

We ask the Creator to truly make us feel that there is none else besides Him and that He surrounds us from all sides, supports us, and brings us closer to the end of correction.

To win in the war means, despite all obstacles, to hold on to friends and together to hold on to the Creator.

We need to ask the Creator to give the right thoughts and feelings in the heart of every person in the world, to men and women, so that everyone can calm down, and everyone understands how to unite and allow the Creator to reveal Himself in all of us.

It doesn’t matter when the congress ended and where and when the next one will be; we need to feel in a state of spiritual ascent all the time. And then everything will work out for us. The main thing is not to forget about each other, about the Creator, or about our connection, and through it to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/9/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

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