Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 5/18/23

294.4Question: Why did the Creator create our world, and why does He need us?

Answer: The Creator created our world in order to create man. And He created man in order to give him the opportunity to rise to His level.

Question: What does it mean to love yourself?

Answer: To love yourself means to constantly think about what you lack in this life.

Question: What is sin?

Answer: Sin is to think about yourself all the time and not about others.

Question: Why does a person need conscience?

Answer: So that with a sense of his a conscience, he could direct himself more correctly to the purpose of creation.

Question: What is the secret of successful entrepreneurship? You said that before Kabbalah you were in business, and it was very easy for you.

Answer: I was guessing what was necessary and did it for a while, although after some time it was all becoming absolutely disgusting to me and I gave up all businesses. I did not tolerate them because I could not work for money, but I could work for some idea. It passes, and you have nothing left.

Question: Can you name three rules for a good life?

Answer: Constantly maintain yourself in good physical and moral shape and in good relations with others.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips” 5/18/23

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