The World Is a Reflection of a Person’s Desires

423.02Question: According to Kabbalah, what I see outside of me is my own reflection that I see through the prism of my egoism. If I am annoyed by someone’s qualities, then these qualities are in me. Could it be that I am a reflection of another person’s quality for him?

Answer: Naturally. Each of us sees not another person, but his own reflection in him. This is what is said in the primary sources. You do not see the other, but you see him in your perception, and it is good or bad for you depending on your habits, mentality, etc. You do not perceive him, but you perceive him as a correlation of him and yourself.

The world is a reflection of your desire. All that you see is your desire outside of you.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. I Am a Mirror for Others” 6/9/12

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