Life-Giving Force

712.03Comment: Scientists consider water to be a kind of force that transmits information and cultivates life.

They say that research about water encourages us to think about who we are, why we came here, and where we are headed. After all, there is a reason why a human body consists mainly of water. The effect of negative information leads to either health or sickness, to life or death. The scientists’ failure to grow a living cell in artificial conditions led to this conclusion.

My Response: No, the search for the force that gives life has nothing to do with water. Water is an animating force that transmits information and energy.

Life is breathed into inanimate matter so that it can multiply, develop, acquire new feelings, a new consciousness, and form itself on completely different levels of vegetative, animate, and human nature in a way that science cannot determine because this force comes from a higher state, from the upper world. This force created our world. It is involved from the very beginning in the development of the entire universe and all matter.

But we cannot control it. We cannot artificially transfer it or manipulate it at will.

This is the force of life. It is on a higher level than human. This is information and energy that are not yet attainable by us. We can reach it only when we rise to the level of absolute love and bestowal and break out of the level of our egoism.

Our entire universe, nature, human society, and in general everything that we observe and see in the universe is through an egoistic quality, a desire to receive, to enjoy, to take, and absorb into ourselves.

Meanwhile, giving, love, and life are the opposite of our quality because they expand outward but not in the inward direction. And only if we can break out of our egoism will we feel this force of life, expansion, multiplication, and development. Then we will be able to talk about something, to understand how vegetative matter emerged from inanimate matter, how animate matter emerged from vegetative, and so all the way to man.

It’s impossible to describe because you have to see it. To do this, we must acquire the same qualities of love and bestowal. I hope that someday humanity will come to this and will feel the force with which we were created, which gave birth to us. That is when we will discover the reason for life, its meaning, and its purpose.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. The Secret of Life” 7/13/11

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