Who Will Build The New Economy?

17.01In the News (“What Companies Want Most in a CEO: A Good Listener”): Companies are increasingly seeking socially adept leaders—not charismatic smooth-talkers, but executives who listen empathetically, welcome input, and rally the workforce around a common goal, according to a recent study by a team of researchers including Harvard Business School Professors Raffaella Sadun and Joseph Fuller, who analyzed thousands of executive job search descriptions created over a 17-year period. …

“Top executives who demonstrate this kind of interpersonal prowess are more likely to be in high demand, particularly at large, multinational, and information-intensive organizations, the research suggests. ”

Question: What do you think about these conclusions? Are they evident?

Answer: Yes, all this is understandable. Yet why are we starting to understand this today? Time works in such a way that we have different requirements.

Today we do not need charismatic leaders. Now, we need people who understand others. Moreover, I think that they mean those who really understand others. I do not know where they will find them, but with a lot of money they will find them. 🙂

Actually, I am glad to hear this. I mean, the biggest problem of humanity is brought forward—human egoism, which does not allow one to feel the other. And this is necessary. Thus, again, we have come to the same conclusion from different sides.

Comment: It took 17 years for them to come to this.

My Response: This is not so bad, the planet has existed for much longer.

Question: Does it always come to this, one way or another? All the thousands of years?

Answer: Yes, all the time. From the first dinosaurs.

Question: Why didn’t they just write: “A leader must be human”?

Answer: Because “human” is a very vague concept for us. Anyway, what does it mean to be human?

Question: He must be sincere?

Answer: Can you name such leaders? Those who have made their way into leadership so far to date are unscrupulous, egoistic people who can tear apart everything and everyone in their path. They can put everyone down and walk on their heads, over their bodies. Nothing will stop them; they will be only too happy to clear their way.

Question: Does it mean that even this Harvard assumption is a breakthrough?

Answer: Yes! It is very interesting what they will do next.

Question: What else would you add to this? What is your main point?

Answer: My main point is that they will not find such people in their pure form, at least from their school of economics. Because people who have this attitude to life have a different economy—the economy of hearts, the economy of attitude to the world.

They feel that it is possible to earn money and possible to build a world out of another material, from the correct relationships between people.

Question: Are these the future leaders? Is that the most important thing?

Answer: Yes. It still is not very close. But this is the main thing, and we will have to come to this.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/30/21

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