Think Less about Yourself

527.03Question: How can remote groups be incorporated into a teacher, as Kabbalists once did?
I am afraid it is possible to miss the common ark and it will sail away, and in the next life, I will have to be born again in some unclear conditions.

Answer: First of all, the fact that you are afraid of missing something, losing, and being late—this is good. On the other hand, you must be sure that if you are in this place and trying to unite with your friends with all your might, you will definitely succeed. That is second.

Third, success does not consist of what you have attained, earned, felt, realized, and seen. Success consists of trying to think at every moment about bringing contentment to the Creator.

And then you will think less about yourself, about how to succeed, and whether you will have time or not have time, or whether you will be born in this world again. All these purely egoistic questions will not worry you because you will be above them in aspiration toward the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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