The Path Chosen by Humanity

272Question: Can we say that at some point in history humanity took the wrong path?

Answer: Of course! Since the time of Aristotle and Plato.

At one point they shouted: “Under no circumstances give science away to the ignorant! They will misuse it, they will sell it to the rich, they will put it at the service of progress!

But we need spiritual progress, not technological progress! We cannot open universities to everyone!

Science should be pursued only by people who with its help want to understand the meaning of life, the lofty matters that lie beyond the boundaries of our world!”

Science should develop only in the form in which it raises a person above our world! Anyone who might use it for evil purposes has no right to engage in it!

Even the invention of, say, a special meat grinder is also evil. You do not need it, and you can live without it! After all, in the end, it is by adapting science to our world that you begin its development.

There is no other way, either external development or internal. The world followed the external path of development. Historically, this happened 3,000 years ago.

Question: But was there another option for development? Or did we still have to go through this stage?

Answer: It is hard to say because in order to understand the answer to this question, you need to be in two worlds, in the duality that we are talking about.

Everything comes from the Creator, and at the same time depends on our freewill, on our choice.

We are not able to compare these two free functions; our mind is not adapted to this. To understand this, you need to be in both worlds: the spiritual one and ours at the same time. Then you will not have contradictions; you can perceive absolutely opposite facts and information as complementary and not mutually exclusive.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Dead-End Path of Human Development” 1/24/12

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