The Need for Human Transformation

115.05Question: Baal HaSulam writes that today, in a world where nuclear bombs exist, there is no other way to survive than to just start considering each other. We cannot openly use others anymore. Is this understanding not enough for us?

Answer: No, this requires consent and reshaping of each person and everyone together so that we all begin to move from an absolutely egoistic system of our world, our society, to an absolutely altruistic system.

In order for a person to begin to fight not with his own kind, but with his own ego, a great transformation must take place in him.

Question: Is it not enough for us to understand that our ego leads us nowhere?

Answer: No, that will not do anything. A person needs to realize the evil of his nature so much that he stops using it. Egoism must be revealed in him to such an extent that he sees that taking something from another is like death, thinking badly about another is like killing yourself.

Comment: But as I understand, nature itself or the upper mind cannot give us such a system; otherwise, we will not have freedom of choice and we will just be like robots.

My Response: Of course. Therefore, it will always be concealed.
From KabTV’s “Era of the Last Generation” 5/9/24

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