The Need for the Upper Force

935When we unite in groups at the level of our world, we usually evoke only negative forces, like a man and a woman who initially form a union but then encounter various problems because each of them is an egoist. Therefore, in striving to unite, we must understand that we are doing this to feel the need for the upper force. This is possible only when great egoism arises between us, a desire to distance ourselves from each other and dominate others. If a group truly aims for connection, very serious centrifugal forces can emerge that tear it apart.

This is the most important thing that can manifest in people. If they understand this, they rejoice at the evil forces revealed between them. Then it becomes simple arithmetic.

To the extent that they discover evil forces between them, they must constantly clarify that they are revealing them and are glad of it. They specifically engage in connection because, during the process of drawing closer, one increasingly reveals the evil forces that repel them from others. It is this very evil that forces us to turn to the good, to the upper force, to the Creator, who can balance and unite us. This is the method of revealing the Creator.

In reality, it is not that complicated. We just need to constantly monitor ourselves and manage what is happening with our mind and heart. We unite in a group as the Kabbalists advise us because it is in this style of unity, which we aim to achieve, that we will reveal the impossibility of uniting and thus understand the need for the upper force, the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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