Signs of the State of Mutual Guarantee

947Question: Can we say that we start entering into mutual guarantee egoistically?

Answer: Of course, only egotistically.

Question: How does this mutual guarantee advance us toward the Creator?

Answer: We cannot advance using only egoism. But for now, that is the only power we have. We do not have anything else yet! Do you want to immediately jump to the level of bestowal, love, and connection between each other? From where?

There is an entire ladder and by climbing it we gradually accumulate the desire for the right connection, for bestowing, when the general becomes higher than my personal “I.” This does not happen immediately but under the influence of the higher light.

Question: What is the result of the ten being in a state of mutual guarantee?

Answer: If you do not feel yourself but feel the ten, take it into consideration, think together, desire together as if you have no internal life of your own, only a common one, and when you suddenly separate from the ten you feel as if your oxygen supply has been cut off, then this is the state of mutual guarantee (Arvut).
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Mechanism of Mutual Guarantee
Mutual Exchange Of Guarantee
Mutual Guarantee—The Property Of Mutual Concern

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