Napoleon and the Third Temple

6Question: It is said that Napoleon was passing through Paris with his retinue on the 9th of Av. This is the day when the First and Second Temples were destroyed and other tragedies of the Jewish people occurred. When Napoleon entered the Jewish quarter, he was surprised that the streets were empty. He entered the synagogue and saw it filled with people sitting on the floor. Napoleon asked the Rabbi: “What happened? Perhaps one of your leaders died or a pogrom occurred that I am unaware of?”

“Worse,” replied the Rabbi,” our Temple was destroyed, and we were expelled from our homeland.” “But that happened 1,800 years ago,” said Napoleon. “No,” said the Rabbi, “it happened just an hour ago.”

Could you please comment on such a response? It is as if history has not moved since the destruction of the Temple.

Answer: Yes. It is believed that time has stopped and we only live until it starts again and we begin to rebuild the Temple.

Question: So does this mean that all of this life is just waiting to return to the state of the Temple?

Answer: Yes, that is how it should be. The state of the Temple is the connection with the Creator. Every person could turn to the Creator and feel that he has connection, he could ask and receive answers. People were at that level. And then there was the destruction of the Temple, meaning the destruction of this connection, and that is it!

Question: Do we have a record that we were at this level?

Answer: Yes, there is a record. It is deeply hidden within us, but it manifests from time to time.

Question: So, we lost this direct connection with the Creator? And so, as it is said here, “lost life” as a result?

Answer: Yes, spiritual life.

Question: It is also said that Napoleon exclaimed: “If the Jews still mourn for their Temple and homeland, they will surely return to their land and rebuild the Temple.” What do you think of Napoleon’s response?

Answer: It is natural; the Temple must be rebuilt. The point is that people regain the connection with the Creator, a continuous, clear connection in their hearts.

Question: So then there is the question of what comes first starting to build the Temple or sensing this point within us?

Answer: Sensing it is most important. Gathering stones and building a structure with them is irrelevant.

Question: So everything will proceed automatically?

Answer: Even if it does not, it does not matter. People will start to feel that they are in unity with each other and are building a place for their upper force.

Question: Since we have touched on this question. Two Temples fell and we are talking about the Third Temple. It is said that the Third Temple will be built by the whole world. What does that mean?

Answer: The whole world will decide that it is necessary to achieve such a level among people—harmony, connection between them—when they are all united under the common force of the Creator.

Comment: Usually all unions happen after major tragedies.

My Response: Yes.

Question: Like the League of Nations after World War I, the UN after World War II. What needs to happen for people to suddenly come to this decision?

Answer: Apparently, the world must experience a serious shock. And after that, a desire for the revelation of the Creator will awaken in the nations. And it will end with the fact that indeed the Creator will be revealed in people, in the hearts of people. This will prompt them to connect with each other, and by being ready to connect with each other correctly, with kindness, in one heart, they will invoke the revelation of the Creator within them.

Question: And naturally, they will start to build the Third Temple?

Answer: That will be the Third Temple.

Question: Why is it said that the Third Temple must be built specifically in Jerusalem?

Answer: Because Jerusalem is such a place where all hopes, thoughts, and desires of people converge. So it is not a physical place.

Question: Then what will happen to the 9th of Av, on this day?

Answer: It will become a holiday.

Question: From a day of mourning it will become a holiday? Is this the right transition?

Answer: That is right. That is how it should be.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/8/24

Related Material:
The Black Day of the Calendar—the 9th of Av
9th of Av—An Internal View
The Third Temple—The Final Correction

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