“My Wife Is Thrilled with You, But I Am Not”

224A letter from a viewer:

My wife is thrilled with your programs and keeps pushing them on me. I watch them, mostly out of respect. I like some of it, but sometimes you say things that I do not know how to take. For example, you said that everyone is responsible for the whole world. Why do you say that? It is clearly impossible. But what amazes me is that my wife is delighted.

My Response: The fact is that when everyone feels responsible for the entire world, we will indeed see a new world.

Question: From this letter, it is clear that he does not understand how this is possible, while his wife is delighted. So each of us has certain points that either accept this or do not accept.

He imagines the whole world as eight billion people. So when you say “the whole world,” he thinks you are saying we are responsible for all these eight billion people, for what is happening in Somalia, in starving Africa, and so on. Are we responsible for this?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: This phrase requires some further explanation.

My Response: The thing is, if every person suddenly, let’s say, by a magical command, wished to see everyone else as their friends, the world would change. Undoubtedly! But since we do not believe in this because it seems too unrealistic, we continue as we are.

Question: But we are real people. This husband is an absolutely real person. He would like to sort things out at home, with his friends, and you say: sort things out with the whole world, be responsible for it.

This thought, this action can only happen “by a magical command,” right? So, are you sending us back to the Creator again?

Answer: To the Creator.

Question: Constantly?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, a person comes, with this pain inside. Many people write that they feel this empathy. What prayer should a person have to the Creator? Should they ask to change everything or what?

Answer: That the Creator changes at least this person.

Question: This person?

Answer: Yes, so that he can feel the pain of the entire world and, based on this, relate to the world differently.

Question: Can one not fall apart and feel this pain? Not explode, not die from it?

Answer: It is possible.

Question: We spoke about the fact that Kabbalists aspired to this, it was their goal to feel the world, the pain of the world.

If a person feels all the pain of the world, what should his actions be, can you say?

Answer: To ask the Creator to make the world better. That is all, nothing more. The one who made the world bad should make it good.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/1/24

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