Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/29/24

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Contrary to Knowledge

41.01Question: How can we feel that faith above reason influences us now and that it is leading us out of low states?

Answer: You do have knowledge, but go against it in the power of faith, contrary to your knowing. That is how you move forward.

If you are trying to unite hearts, it means that there is faith in them. Whenever there is a chance, you must re-choose the point of faith above reason and move from there.

Question: How can we act correctly above knowledge regarding the material world, and is it necessary to seek balance?

Answer: There is no need. Just cut yourself off from the material world whenever you can. Engage in spiritual things, and if necessary, return to the material.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/12/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith Is Called “Action”

Related Material:
The Relationship Between Two Worlds
The Spiritual World Is Above Reason
Move to Faith Above Reason

Balance the System

528.04Question: If the Creator shows some miracles coming from our unification, should I believe there is something even higher? How should I work with it? Should I give thanks for everything or not settle for little and ask for a bigger miracle?

Answer: No, we have no right to disagree with the Creator since, by doing so, we break the connection between us and Him.

There are no miracles; it just seems so to us. We must ask the Creator to allow us to treat our friends the way we imagine our relationship with Him. The whole system will balance itself this way.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/10/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Pomegranate”

Related Material:
What Do We Gain From Love Of Friends?
The Value of Friends
About the Value of Love for Friends

A Chance to Show Love

566.02Question: The more a person puts in internal and external efforts to please others, the more he feels rejection. What kind of punishment is this, and how can one get out of it?

Answer: We must always strive for love and look for opportunities to show love to our friends and from them to the Creator.

Question: And what if such a search turns a person in the opposite direction—the more one searches for ways to show love, the more obstacles one gets in response?

Answer: Well, that is good. That is given to us so that we can show even more love.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/13/24, Writings of Rabash “Knowledge and Faith”

Related Material:
What Do We Gain From Love Of Friends?
Love Of Friends Is Our Common Treasure
Love of Friends, Love of the Creator

Live in a Double Reality

910Question: How do you raise the importance of dissemination?

Answer: According to the importance, what is determining, the cause or the effect.

Since any of our actions can only be performed under the influence of the light, we must first take care about the source of the light, how to awaken it and how to direct it correctly. To do this, we need to place the object which needs to be influenced by the light before the light.

Through what should it be directed toward the light? Through the world, through the group, then it will be aimed at the action of bestowal and the light will come to it from the opposite side.

The thing is that everything here works not as it seems to us in our world (it only seems), that we are the cause and then comes the effect. On the contrary, when you become the right cause, the effect comes to you from above, the light, and you see that in fact, it by itself was the cause.

It is the same as if we correctly perceive events, we begin to switch the cause and effect between them.

Let’s say, a bullet is flying toward a window. Before the bullet has even reached it, the glass is already breaking. Since the glass must break, such an action occurs in our world that causes it to break.

Question: How do you constantly perform this analysis? After all, it is constantly changing.

Answer: I live in it. I constantly have a double reality because I work in it and see how it depends on my properties (there is nothing objective here) until I transfer everything from my actions, from my properties, to the side of the Creator who works with me at the beginning and at the end.

That is, the beginning of the action is in Him. The process of the action depends on how it will proceed in me, on how much I am connected with the Creator. The end of the action is also in Him. So, the beginning and the end are clearly defined. I can only feel the intermediate state either closer to the Creator or closer to creation.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Change the World for the Better?” 1/23/12

Related Material:
Two Worlds
How To Combine Two Realities
What Is The Meaning Of Our Reality?

Believe in the Love of the Creator

598Question: If I know that the Creator is good and does good, what does it mean to rise in faith above reason?

Answer: It means to believe that the Creator is good and does good in all life circumstances in everything that happens to you, even in the most terrifying states.

When you go through such states, you still believe that the Creator truly loves you and treats you with love, even though you may not feel it on your flesh.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/8/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith and Reason”

Related Material:
In the Ocean of the Creator’s Love
Revealing The Creator’s Goodness
The Creator Is Love

The Creator Will Do Everything Necessary

514.02Question: Within us lies tremendous spiritual force. How can we unlock this force in which creations are to unite with the Creator? Is it only through the screen?

Answer: Only through the Creator. The Creator will do everything necessary, both the screen and the connection.

Question: What should I internally ask the Creator for?

Answer: It is up to you what you ask for. It all depends on your relationship with Him, what desire the Creator evokes in you, and with what desire you approach Him. Ask to understand this desire and ask to fulfill it so that He can help you with this.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Order of the Work”

Related Material:
The Creator Reads Our Hearts
The Infinite Power Of Prayer
What To Ask From The Creator?

Regardless of the Time

229Question: When you focus on dissemination, how do you calculate which is better?

Answer: You just have to feel it; words can’t convey it to people anyway. When they start to feel it, then they will see. Just like every day we become more and more agile and adapt to new sensations and new opportunities.

If a man from the middle of nowhere hears us, he will say: “What’s the matter? I don’t understand.”

And if you tell an advanced person about this who understands, say, computers, he will say: “Yes, I saw something like that. You’re saying the same thing as there and there.”

Meaning, people will increasingly agree with you. Therefore, we need to advance humanity, and then it will understand us.

We shouldn’t dig into this, there is no special mystery here. In fact, this is the attainment of reality, which is part of my specialty, ontology. Anyone can go in and study it, take the “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” and read what Kabbalists write about it.

Comment: But this is a completely different perception of reality.

My Response: People started talking about it 5,000 years ago. But they were Kabbalists who began to discover a new reality.

Rambam writes that the world we feel is under the speed of light. How could he talk about the speed of light in the 12th century? And he’s not the first. We see what Kabbalists wrote back in the days of Aristotle, Plato, and other philosophers.

Reaching the next degree does not depend on time. You can dress according to your time, use the tools, instruments, and everyday life appropriate for that time, and inside yourself, at the level of “Man,” be at the degree of the Creator and attain all actuality, all reality.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Change the World for the Better?” 1/23/12

Related Material:
What Does It Mean To Change The World?
Give A Person What He Is Ready For
Pass Goodness to Others

Unite with a Common Goal

165Comment: When you explain something, everyone understands you in their own way. That is, everyone’s filter refracts your energy in its own way. It reaches a certain part of the layer of desires that stand behind every person, be it a musician, or an artist, or a machine operator.

My Response: Yes, each of them understands in the way that is best for him. People are still grouped according to some characteristics. They are all different, but in principle each of them is special.

If you treat them with increased sensitivity for research, you will see that none of them is like the others.

Not with anything! They have such a specific internal combinatorics between all desires, properties, thoughts, and initial data, especially after they developed in different societies under the influence of different environments, that it is simply incredible to compare them with each other.

Question: But with all our characteristics, even if we are close to each other, how can we overcome this threshold of differences?

Answer: Unite not by common properties, since they practically do not exist, but with a common goal and complement of each other’s properties. That is, it does not matter to me who you are. It is important to me that you and I have the same goal and the same path to it.

Question: It happens that people gather based on some common characteristics: some like this, others like that. But internally they are completely different. Is it good when people group according to similar inclinations?

Answer: It is not us who are grouping, but it is happening from above. The Creator, the upper force, groups us because in this way we can complement each other.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. One Word – A Million Meanings” 1/8/12

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Complement, Don’t Contradict
Moving Toward A Common Goal
Everything Is Determined By Unity