The Consuming Fire

565.02Question: It says that if a husband and wife do not merit the revelation of the Shechina, fire consumes them. What state is this?

Answer: There should be love in the family. But if instead of the flame of love, they come to the opposite quality, then the same love turns into a consuming fire.

Question: But how does this reverse happen? After all, it is the same fire that can provide warmth.

Answer: This often happens in our lives, in action. Suddenly, you abandon all your evil thoughts and words, turn to each other face to face, and come closer.

The most important thing in family life is to avoid pride or self-assurance. Neither spouse should ever try to convince the partner that they are right. Often we act out of spite, trying to prove our point, although we understand that it is wrong.

Question: What kind of correctness should we seek?

Answer: We should only seek connection and strive to yield to each other.

There can be no talk here of who is right or guilty. None of us is right, wrong, or guilty. The main thing is understanding that we are created mean and should act against our nature.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/5/24

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