Toward Complete Unity

939.01Question: What do we connect if we feel everything differently?

Answer: We connect our Kelim. When they become larger and deeper, we begin to feel our similarity to each other in them. If we connect to create a common Kli, then in this common Kli we begin to attain the Creator.

Question: How can we come to such a perception of reality that everyone is in complete unity?

Answer: With love, everyone should strive for love.

Question: What is the reason for the transition between our understanding of the relationship between the Kli and the light, and the actual, practical comprehension of these relationships in our receiving Kelim?

Answer: The attainment of the connection or dependence of the light on the Kli is the attainment of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “All the Worlds”

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