Questions about Self-Sacrifice

566.01Question: How do we distinguish self-sacrifice from narcissism?

Answer: You need to approach yourself soberly, look at all your shortcomings, weigh your strengths, and evaluate how you can overcome these shortcomings on your own.

Question: The more efforts we make in self-sacrifice, the more suffering increases. Why does this happen?

Answer: This is how you feel now. It is in self-sacrifice that we will feel great joy and adhesion with the Creator.

Question: Self-sacrifice seems easy when it is a one-time movement. But this is a serious and lengthy process. How can I feel it? It is easy to jump up once with your saber drawn. How does one live in self-sacrifice?

Answer: Every minute, every second, jump out with a saber against your internal enemies.

Question: Is self-sacrifice an individual or a group state?

Answer: This is an individual state.

Question: Is there a difference if I sacrifice everything to adhere to the Creator or so that my friends will do it?

Answer: There is a big difference. When you sacrifice yourself for the sake of your friends, then it is indeed a great sacrifice and a great action.

Question: Can self-sacrifice be fictitious? After all, everything we do is a game.

Answer: No, self-sacrifice is not a game. You are actually sacrificing something relatively dear to you.

Question: Can we say that true love is self-sacrifice? If I do not sacrifice anything for my friends, does that mean I do not truly love them?

Answer: Not only do you not love them, you hate them because you have the opportunity to come closer to them in love, but you push away this opportunity.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Labor”

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