A Place for Self-Sacrifice

112Although one can work devotedly, he is unable to determine if this devoted work is appropriate or not… (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 187 “Choosing Labor”).

A place for devoted work is formed when a person feels in his heart that he can sacrifice everything for the sake of the Creator. This does not happen immediately, but rather very slowly, gradually, and the Kabbalist feels it within himself.

Question: What does such a state, such a thought lead to? Does this bring contentment to the Creator?

Answer: That is not the point. The Creator knows what a person is capable of and what he is not capable of in all circumstances. When giving a person some tests, the Creator knows the outcome. Tests are needed only for the person himself, so that he can check whether he can cope with them or not, understand them correctly or not, etc.

Question: Let’s say a person understands that he really wants to sacrifice everything, but he cannot. What is this condition?

Answer: If he cannot sacrifice everything for the sake of becoming one with the Creator, then he has the opportunity to pray and ask, and in the end, he will reach his goal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/25/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Choosing Labor”

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