Connect Your Heart to Your Actions

43Commandments are actions that bring the upper light upon us. Therefore, we should know which of our actions are considered commandments and which are simply actions that have no relation to the Creator and are called prohibitive.

Question: When do we begin to fulfill the commandments? Is it when we already acquire the screen?

Answer: No, even before acquiring the screen. Even if you do not know what a screen is, you can consider your actions toward a spiritual goal as commandments.

If our desires coincide with the desires of the Creator, then the upper light helps us perform spiritual actions.

We must bless the Creator for allowing us to evoke the upper light and, under its influence, get closer to Him. Blessing brings a person closer to the Creator as he is honored with greater fulfillment.

Question: How can I remain in implementation of the commandments so as not to fall into the mechanical implementation of some actions in our world?

Answer: Connect your heart to your actions. Do not be greedy thinking that you will waste it on others. On the contrary, in this case, it grows and expands.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And You Shall Keep Your Souls”

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