Blessed With Bestowal

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: It is written, “Bless you in all your actions.” What does it mean to be “blessed”?

Answer: “Blessed” means that I am granted the property of bestowal into my will to receive. I find its flaw and work hard to prepare myself, after which I receive the Creator’s “blessing,” the intention to bestow over all my desire.

Blessing is Bina. What else can a person be blessed with? What can we lack but the Light that Reforms? There is nothing. The entire creation is made of desire, and if it gains the intention to bestow, it is already blessed since there is no state as perfect as this. That’s all we need.

It is said that a person should receive one hundred blessings daily. In other words, one has to reform his or her entire vessel to fit bestowal, the ten Sefirot, each of which divides into ten. These one hundred blessings become the one hundred gates (Shaarim) because in his present state, a person evaluates (Meshaher) the Creator with his corrected vessel that becomes filled with the Light.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/7/2011, Writings of Rabash

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