Commandments that Must Not Be Violated

253The issue of “shall die and not breach” applies only to three Mitzvot [commandments]: idolatry, bloodshed, and incest (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 88, “All the Work Is Only Where There Are Two Ways – 1”).

Idolatry (Avodah Zarah) means that a person is forced to worship some idols, i.e., to magnify someone or something as if it were the Creator or a part of the Creator.

Incest (Gilui HaRayot) is when a person is compelled to commit adultery with, suppose, someone else’s wife. From the spiritual point of view, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife” means do not be jealous of another person.

Bloodshed (Shfichut Damim) is when he is compelled to kill others. But we must not harm anyone. In these three cases, a person is obliged to restrain himself and not violate these conditions, even if he is threatened with death.

Question: Is it possible to disconnect from the Creator in these cases?

Answer: No, all three conditions consist precisely of not disconnecting from the Creator under any circumstances.

A person is responsible only to himself and to the Creator for observing these three commandments.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/6/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “All the Work Is Only Where There Are Two Ways – 1”

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