When There Is No Strength to Overcome Egoism

243.04Question: A person can cry when turning to the Creator with any intention. What is the best intention on our part?

Answer: When a person feels that he has no strength to overcome the barrier that the Creator has created before him and he asks the Creator to remove it.

Question: Sometimes it seems that crying works as a kind of purification, but after I am cleansed, I am filled with even more egoism. Why does this happen?

Answer: It is arranged so that you cry from the egoism growing in you, then from even greater and greater one, until you realize what a bottomless egoism you have and start screaming that you cannot tolerate it. This is when the Creator will correct you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/24/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “My Soul Shall Weep in Secret – 1”

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