The Road to Heaven

276.02Tears in the spiritual sense mean a feeling of powerlessness. Crying is a request from the depths of the heart to come closer to the Creator, i.e., they are an expression of a real desire.

Question: Do we reach the gate of tears only through suffering, or does fear of the Creator lead us to them?

Answer: First of all, it is through fear before the Creator. It is not just fear, but also respect and inner vibrations. After all, it is the cumulative feeling of the Creator in all your qualities that will lead you to contact with Him.

Question: Where am I going through the gate of tears?

Answer: Through the gate of tears, we pass to Gan Eden (Garden of Eden).
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/24/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “My Soul Shall Weep in Secret – 1”

Related Material:
When Do the Gates to the Creator Open?
All Gates Are Locked Except For The Gate Of Tears
When The Gate Of Tears Finally Opens

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