Three Stages of Spiritual Work

282.02In Rabash’s article, “What is ‘The Torah Exhausts a Person’s Strength,’ in the Work?”  it is written that there are three stages of work: the first—when we work in Lo Lishma (for ourselves), the second—when we work in Lishma (for the Creator), and the third—613 commands or deposits.

Question: What is this third stage?

Answer: The third stage of spiritual work is a complete dissolution in the common Kli. But we rarely talk about this. The main thing for us is to overcome the state of concealment we are in and get out of it.

Question: Does a person have to go through all three stages in any state a person engages in spiritual correction?

Answer: Yes, in the state of complete concealment, partial concealment, partial disclosure, and full disclosure.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/5/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, ‘The Torah Exhausts a Person’s Strength,’ in the Work?”

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