The Perfect Stage

249.01Question: Rabbi Shimon and his son escaped from the Romans and hid in a cave for 13 years. What does “cave” mean from a spiritual point of view?

Answer: In the spiritual sense, the “cave” is that part of Malchut that has unique properties that can be comprehended to the highest level.

That is, these were special conditions that enabled Rabbi Shimon and his son to unite and in connection with each other achieve the entire ladder of spiritual elevation.

Question: Why were they in the cave for precisely 13 years?

Answer: Because 13 years is a perfect stage, what is called Bar Mitzvah. It is believed that a child who has reached the age of 13 becomes an adult man and must fulfill all the commandments.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 12/24/23

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The Cave Is Both A Protector And A Guardian
Machpelah—Double Cave
The Cave Of Machpelah: The Place Of Spiritual Life

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