Strive and You Will Reach the Desired Result

541Question: Are there states when you feel that you have to cancel all your knowledge or it will drag you down?

Answer: Yes, it is a lack of faith.

Question: How can you cancel your knowledge correctly? Do you have to forget everything you learned, what you knew, and start everything from scratch?

Answer: No, you just have to move in the quality of bestowal and relate to everyone based on that quality.

In order to attract knowledge for the sake of bestowal, we must strive for it and at the same time for knowledge in order to be above. In this way we will obtain this stage.

Question: Is there a difference in what kind of knowledge to strive for?

Answer: You do not know this yet. Strive, and as a result, it will lead you to the desired result.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/3/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Receiving in order to Bestow”

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