Create Your Inner Beauty

294.4Breaking the silence
Of an ancient pond
A frog jumped into the water—
A deep resonance. 
(Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), translated by Nobuyuki Yuasa)

Question: The concept of shibui refers to a Japanese aesthetic of a refined understatement in artistic representation. It has an underlying notion of life’s transitory and evanescent nature. This is reflected in traditional Japanese clothing that is more beautiful on the interior than the exterior fabric.

What is hidden beauty?

Answer: Hidden beauty is something one cherishes, treasures! It is more important to him than anything in the world.

Question: And this, it turns out, is not shown off and put on display?

Answer: It is not shown to anyone. Many nations have many prohibitions against exposure.

Question: Is it the same in spirituality?

Answer: In spirituality, necessarily.

Question: But how can I, an outsider, feel this hidden beauty if it is hidden?

Answer: You don’t need to feel it; you should strive to create your own beauty for yourself.

Question: Am I ever looking for another beauty?

Answer: No, you will not find the beauty you are looking for there.

Question: Won’t I find it in others?

Answer: No, no way. You will not be able to find another person who could display your beauty, what you need, or what you prefer.

Question: Is my life the search for my beauty? Specifically beauty?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What other word would you use to define beauty?

Answer: I would call it inner perfection, harmony.

Question: Where is the upper one you keep talking about in this? Where is the Creator here?

Answer: The Creator determines this from above. And we get it below and thank Him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/23/23

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