Questions about Spiritual Work—52

281.02Question: What does spiritual freedom mean in the ten?

Answer: This is a state where you feel connected to each other and the Creator. At the same time, you begin to rise above all material problems and do not feel that they are pulling you down.

Question: How can material pleasures be transformed into spiritual ones?

Answer: There is no difference in pleasures. If they are for the Creator’s sake, then they are spiritual, and if, for your own sake, they are material.

Question: Are the feeling of being as one and the feeling of “I” close to each other or opposite?

Answer: They are opposite. Your feeling of “I” should disappear. Instead, there will be a feeling of “we.”

Question: What does freedom from the angel of death mean?

Answer: Complete liberation from egoism.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/28/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Every Act Leaves an Imprint”

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