Acquire Contact with the Creator

276.02Question: How can we learn to love something that is initially against our nature or higher than nature and act out of love and not out of envy or pride?

Answer: We can force ourselves, persuade ourselves, and push ourselves toward a connection with the friends because within this connection we acquire contact with the Creator.

And although this is entirely against our nature, and we do not want it, to find contact with the Creator, we approach friends and are ready to be with them together, in an embrace, in one single desire.

Question: How can we understand that one should desire wisdom?

Answer: We want a connection with the Creator, so we want to acquire wisdom. Wisdom is the thoughts and the desires of the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/27/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is He Will Give Wisdom Specifically to the Wise”

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