Questions about Spiritual Work—50

626Question: We strive for an emotional understanding of reality through our good connections. But Baal HaSulam writes that the mind is the closest garment to the soul. Why is it the mind and not the feeling?

Answer: We need the mind because through it we comprehend our feelings, analyze, explore, and reveal them. Therefore, it is impossible without the mind, but without feelings nothing can happen at all. The wisdom of Kabbalah speaks about feelings.

Question: How can I force myself to act against my will because the desire is inside me, and the action is outside? And how does one understand that the commandments do not need intention?

Answer: Try to determine what your desire is and to whom you directed. And at the same time, check your intention. The direction of desire is the intention.

Question: Our priority is to work on the heart. But we all strive to be worthy of faith above reason, which means rising above reason. Then it is not clear what reason is for?

Answer: To rise above it or we will not be able to comprehend spirituality. By rising above reason, we enter spirituality.

Question: How can love be analyzed correctly if you are afraid of losing it?

Answer: Hold on to it, develop it all the time, do not be ashamed of it, and then everything will be fine.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/17/23, of Baal HaSulam “The Action Affects the Thought“

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