Keep the Creator in Sight

544Question: You say we must correct the connections in the ten and pray for our friends. How does one pray for friends if their behavior irritates you?

Answer: That is wonderful! It means you have something to pray for and ask the Creator that you will have the right attitude toward your friends so that you constantly forgive and justify them although you accept each other with hostility.

Question: How can we maintain a connection with the Creator when it seems there is no Creator and you see your friends as uncorrected?

Answer: This is similar to how a mother leaves small children in a room, goes out, and closes the door behind her, but she watches them from afar and sees what is happening with them. So it is with you.

You feel that you are forgetting that the Creator is constantly among us, inside us, and around us, and under no circumstances should we leave this fact behind. Therefore, there is nothing we can do here except constantly be careful not to throw the Creator out of sight. Otherwise, we fly out of the real world and from real feelings.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/19/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “She Is Like Merchant-Ships“

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