The Difference between Physical and Spiritual Laws

557Question: The first commandment of the Torah is trepidation before the Creator. Should I fear that I cannot implement the Creator’s commandments?

Answer: Yes, because the Creator’s commandments are the laws of nature. If we implement them, we feel in harmony with nature. And if not, then we experience their negative consequences on ourselves.

Question: So I have a choice: I can follow them or not. So are these not laws like the law of gravity that I must observe?

Answer: These are somewhat different laws, but have the same effect as physical laws. If we ignore them, we are punished for it.

But we must remember that the laws of the Torah apply to a person’s relationship to the world, to his own kind, that is, their difference from the physical laws of nature, which apply to the level of inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, including humans.

The laws that we study in the science of Kabbalah apply to relationships between people and between people and the Creator (the supreme governing force).
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 12/10/23

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