Inner Voice

198Question: How can you check whether a person is in touch with the Creator or not? Who is that inner voice that one constantly talks to?

Answer: It is him, himself.

Question: There is confusion here. On the one hand, it says: “There is none else besides Him,” i.e., all thoughts of a person come from the Creator. So, is it Him after all?

Answer: It is Him. But the fact is that man does not see the Creator and does not feel Him. He simply acts as directed by the Creator, establishing the necessary connections in the group with his friends who strive for the same goal.

Thus, heading toward one goal, they gradually change from beings who only want to receive into people who want to bestow.

Thats is the gradual approach to the Creator, likeness to Him.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/5/23

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