Continuous Pleas

534Question: We constantly ask the Creator for the whole society to become one big family. But judging by the fact that we must go by faith above reason, we cannot do it within reason in order for it to be realized.

Let’s say we asked the Creator, “Please make sure that everyone lives together in peace,” but this does not happen. Should I just annul and assume that everything is fine, because otherwise next time I will not be able to ask for it to be realized?

Answer: You must ask for connection with your friends and with the Creator in one state, in the same bundle.

But if you made a request once and left it, then your desire was not real, not serious.

Question: And if I go above reason, will I be able to see the result?

Answer: You will see the result, but after the action is over. By connecting to your source, you will begin to receive filling from it.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 1/1/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Embrace of the Right, Embrace of the Left”

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