Attain the Spiritual Degree

276.03Each degree in spirituality is a reality, and everyone sees the reality, just as all those who come to the city of London in England see what is in the city and what is said in the city (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 98 “Spirituality Is Called That Which Will Never Be Lost”).

Question: When we are united by some common desire, do we feel the light in it the same way?

Answer: No, everyone feels it individually.

Question: Then how can we have the same feeling if different people, different tens, connect?

Answer: Baal HaSulam gives an example that all visitors to London experience approximately the same impression.

Comment: But someone comes to London for shopping, someone to visit, someone to visit the royal palace.

My Response: It is exactly the same as you. The attainment of the spiritual degrees takes place in accordance with your needs.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Spirituality Is Called That Which Will Never Be Lost”

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