Attitude to Concealed Factors

281.01Question: Generally a person can see that something influences him, but does not understand how it influences him. He is unable to predict what will happen to him in a minute, two minutes, or three minutes.

What should his correct attitude be to these concealed factors so he can advance according to the path destined for him?

Answer: A person should understand that he is moving instinctively according to nature’s impulses.

There is nothing else he can offer himself. This is the sober approach. It is impossible to say that it is better or worse; it is merely what we have.

Question: How can we increase the efficiency of this path? It may be impossible and it should be enough to approach life soberly.

Answer: I cannot imagine how we can determine the efficiency factor of our development. Today, it practically leads us to mutual destruction. Therefore the efficiency factor here is negative.

Question: If we take a group of people united around some principle, idea, or similarity, can this group have its own attitude to the concealed factors in development? Is it possible to talk about a group of people as an individual who develops, makes decisions, and perceives something?

Answer: If we take a group of scientists who are interconnected and set certain tasks in front of them, then we can certainly look at them as one person who is aspiring to achieve something.

However, if we are talking about humanity, it has not entered that level when it has a clearly defined task that all people would want to solve, regardless of their social organization.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/27/23

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