The Word Is Not a Sparrow

627.2Question: Why is speech and action so important? After all, the evil inclination is inside us, in our thoughts and feelings.

Answer: The main thing is not to reveal to the outside what is in your heart, in your soul. The fact is that if you guard it inside, you will gradually be able to fight it.

And if you talk about it out loud, then it gets out of your control and does not come back, you let your thoughts go into space. Moreover, by doing this, you can harm those who are nearby.

Question: Should we learn to be silent and speak only when we want to unite? Do you need to learn silence as much as possible?

Answer: Absolutely right. This is the best.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 11/1/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Depart from Evil“

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