If You Encounter a Villain

507.05If you encounter this villain, draw him to the seminary, etc., and if not, remind him of the day of death.”

This means that he will remind him that the work should be in a place where he is not present, which is after one’s skin. This is called “working outside one’s body,” that he has not a single thought about his own body (Baal HaSulam. Shamati, 51. If “You Encounter This Villain”).

Egoism offends us by driving us into indecent, low states. This is its job. But we must ask the Creator to change us because we have no power against egoism. Only the Creator can help us.

Question: It is written: “If you encounter this villain, draw him to the seminary, etc., and if not, remind him of the day of death” What is this condition “if not, remind him of the day of death”?

Answer: If egoism does not agree, then remind it that we all die, and first of all it dies within us exactly when we want to get rid of it.

Question: What if this villain does not offend me and the scoundrels are nowhere to be seen as if they are hiding somewhere?

Answer: This happens because you love your egoism.

Question: How can I complain to the Creator about egoism, about the will to receive? Should I cry or just ask for advice?

Answer: You can do it in any way. If you blame your egoism for not allowing you to come closer to the Creator, then complain to Him about this evil force that does not allow you to reach Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/15/23, Writing of Baal HaSulam, Shamati 51 “If You Encounter This Villain“

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