Ask For Coming Closer Together

942Question: In many articles, Rabash writes that if you do not bring contentment to the Creator, then life is not worth living. It is a very strong feeling when I do not want to live if I do not do something for someone else. How do we come to this?

Answer: We have to think about it all the time and ask the Creator to reveal to us what state we really are in when we improperly connect with Him.

Question: After the Creator brings us closer to Him, we feel rejection from Him. Will the strength of these rejections increase as we advance?

Answer: Yes, the rejections will increase. It is necessary to overcome them together, not alone. When you try to do it alone, it will not work. We must discuss it with our friends and then turn to the Creator together.

The Creator does everything explicitly or implicitly. But you have to constantly ask Him about coming closer together.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/25/23, “To Criticize Oneself”

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