The Letter “Bet” Is a Symbol of the Beginning and the End of Creation

610.1There are two points, one concealed, (hidden), and one disclosed. And because they are not separated, they are called first, meaning only one and not two (Baal HaSulam, Introduction of The Book of Zohar, “Two Points”).

The two points represent the beginning and the end of the universe. Both points are connected to each other since the end of the world is laid at the very beginning and the beginning is laid at the end.

Question: It is said that the world was created by the letterBet – ״ב with which the Torah begins—Bereshit. In this letter, two lines are connected: the upper and lower. What do they mean?

Answer: The upper line is the line of Keter, which is completely bestowing. The lower line is Malchut, which only receives. Both lines interconnected symbolize the beginning and the end of creation. As a result, they must match their properties of receiving and bestowing so that everything turns into a circle.

Question: Baal HaSulam writes that the top point in the letter “Bet” is called mercy, and the bottom one is judgment. What is it about?

Answer: Mercy is a property of the Creator, the highest property, bestowal. Judgment is the property of receiving, the property of Malchut. That is, there is a connection between the upper and lower lines, which they should pass through themselves.

Therefore, our work is to understand the bottom line from the top line and to understand the top line from the bottom line and connect them together so that there are no contradictions between them, so that each property in them supports the opposite property in the other line, and thus the program of creation would be fulfilled in its entirety.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 8/6/23

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