For the Sake of a Common High Feeling

528.01Question: In the ten, we are constantly trying to become one person with one heart, but the further we advance, the more our opinions differ. At the same time, we revealed that there was a very warm joyful feeling. Will we come to the point where everyone will be ready to gladly give up their “I” for the sake of this common high feeling?

Answer: It does not matter if your opinions are opposite. We are saying that everyone in the ten should be connected; everyone should have their own opinion, each with their own desire, with a point in the heart, and with the root of their soul.

Naturally, each of us is against the others, separated from the others. But we are building a common system above egoism, which separates and divides us. Therefore, we need to understand that the most important thing is connection above our separation and distancing. This is our work.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/22/23. “The need for the Creator’s salvation”

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