Why Do People Prefer Loneliness?

963.4Question: According to statistics, the level of cardiovascular diseases in single people is much higher than in those who are connected by some kind of good ties with others. The same goes for stress. There are a lot of psychosomatic diseases that are associated with loneliness. Why do people choose to live alone anyway?

Answer: Because it seems to them that such a life can be calmer. In the morning I get up, take a shower, make myself a coffee, go to work, come home from work—everything is normal, fine. I can have lunch at work, watch TV after work, or go to the cinema.

But the fact is that we are not created to be alone. After all, we were created to live in a family. And a family is at least one more person. And here, we cannot escape from ourselves.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah in the modern turbulent world” 8/3/23

Related Material:
Life Without Friends Is Dangerous
Loneliness Is Unhealthy
“Loneliness Epidemic”

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