We Do Not Care about Children’s Tears

219.03Comment: Mark writes:

Dear Michael, how do you feel about Dostoevsky’s famous phrase “The happiness of the whole world is not worth one tear on the cheek of an innocent child”? We all learned this at school, we were brought up like that. And the result is that we do not care about children’s tears. Why are we so terrible? There is so much pain around children!

My Response: Because we are like that!

Question: Why doesn’t even the fact that we bring children so much pain not stop us?

Answer: No one stops us!

Comment: Children played quietly in the sandbox, went to all sorts of clubs, and suddenly there is no sandbox, no clubs, nothing. This is what we did. For what? What did we want?

My Response: What do we want? Power! It does not matter at the expense of what. This is the law of nature!

Question: Will we treat our own children the same way if power were taken away from us? Is it all from the same foundation that you keep talking about? Is everything from there?

Answer: Yes, from the same egoism that the Creator created, which we must constantly feed.

Question: That is, our attack and resistance should go to the point of egoism. Why do we not come to that?

Answer: We cannot get to it. Only the Creator can reach it.

Comment: But we can at least understand that this is the basis of all troubles!

My Response: No, we also cannot recognize it to such an extent.

Question: So what are we going to attack all the time? Just something around? Will we be trying to change someone?

Answer: Yes, we will be appointing someone responsible, someone guilty.

Question: Will we be changing someone, executing them, putting them in prison, and so on? Until when?

Answer: Until when? As long as the world exists, while the Earth is still spinning.

Question: How will I see this?

Answer: I do not know if you and I will see this. I am very realistic about humanity, its nature, and its capabilities to rise above nature.

Question: Are there very few of these capabilities? Should some kind of miracle happen?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is a miracle something that is not in our power at all? Is this called a miracle?

Answer: Yes. That is, it is only in the power of the upper force.

Question: How can we ask it?

Answer: Want it. We only have desire. If we wish to change the world, the world will change.

Question: The world around me?

Answer: Yes, the world we are in.

Comment: In principle, everyone wants to change the world.

My Response: No, they do not want to! They do not understand that in order to do this, you need to want, really want, to support each other, so that together, with our joint desire, we would force the world to change.

Question: Would it actually force the Creator to change the world?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Do you think that a person’s desire to have a warm, good, kind, and loving surrounding is not that desire yet?

Answer: No, it is not even a desire at all. One does not desire in this direction.

Question: What is the desire? Should I have the recognition that I am bad?

Answer: No, not even the fact that you are bad. We do not even have to “draw and quarter” ourselves. We just need to understand that we can change the world if we want to.

Comment: But we want to!

My Response: We do not want to. We do not know what we want. We must imagine a joyful, complete, interconnected world, which wishes everyone good, connection, and love, and ask nature itself for this.

Question: Do I have to ask, as if, for others? Is this my main message?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Am I, instead, asking for myself all the time?

Answer: Of course, I am asking for myself.

We need to explain to people that if we ask nature to change the world and improve the world, then this will happen. Only if we ask together.

Question: Is this request really about changing me or about changing the world?

Answer: I believe that these are related things, they are the same thing. By changing ourselves, we change the world. If we want to change the world, we have to change ourselves.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/12/23

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