Microdoses of Light that Sustain Life

424.02Question: According to the law of the first restriction, light is forbidden to enter the desire if it is not ready to receive it correctly. This is how it was originally intended, That is, the first restriction is the prohibition to receive pleasure for yourself.

Is it possible to see where this actually happens in our world? After all, people are receiving pleasure for their own sake.

Answer: Yes, but they receive pleasure only from microdoses of the upper light.

We were left with these microdoses so that we could exist by reaching for something, running for something, doing something, and passing it on to each other. But the law of the prohibition of reception, the law of the complete bestowal, does not apply to these microdoses. Therefore we need to understand where this law works and where it does not.

Question: In principle, the Creator is concealed from us, and we are given some small pleasures so that we have the energy to do at least some actions. What does concealment mean? What is forbidden to receive pleasure from? Is it the connection with the Creator himself?

Answer: It is forbidden to receive pleasure from the Creator himself, from the light for your own sake. Therefore, He cannot be clearly revealed within us.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 7/30/23

Related Material:
Desire, Light and Restriction
Two Types of Light
Two Types of Influence of Light

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