
294.3Question: How do you constantly make an accurate assessment of the correctness of actions?

Answer: Let’s say you woke up in the dark, you do not understand, do not know, and do not feel anything. Slowly you go through your morning routine and go out into the street into the world.

You buy a newspaper, listen to the radio, talk to people. You are gradually entering the world where you live, moving away from sleep.

This is what I do too. I enter the spiritual world, receive information, sensations, interactions, everything that exists in it. I feel a great amount of energy and information, I feel present, past, and future, and how all the parts of this vast system act together in absolute harmony.

I get incorporated into it as much as I can with all my soul and mind, and it tunes me up. I, as a small element of a great system, want to get incorporated in it, and it affects me, makes me its integral part.
After that, I can talk to the students and feel where I really am.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Self-examination“ 9/13/11

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