New Life 254 – Stereotypes And Judgment

New Life 254 – Stereotypes And Judgment
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

What is the mechanism that causes people to label others according to external appearance? What is the origin of the need to make comparisons between people? How is it possible to deal with this phenomenon?

The tendency to label everything is natural. Without internal images, I cannot absorb reality. Our ego constantly forces us to compare people: “He is more; he is less.” We continually approach and distance ourselves from others. We have an internal archive, and every new thing is absorbed in us through comparison with existing images. It is difficult for us to connect with people because of stigmas, but it is necessary to understand why nature created us this way. Today I depend upon others, and I must rise above the images.

Societal opinion can change the existing images. I naturally see others as being less than me. In workshops for connection between different types, we can learn not to invalidate anyone. How much do we depend upon this despicable egoistic perception in which we relate to others according to their clothing? How can we develop closeness between us and feel connected? Does the connection of our hearts depend upon the unique character of each one of us? How can we complement each other to become one whole?

When we stop seeing different characters, a desire for connection arises in each one. Merely visiting and becoming familiar with sectors that are different from you will not help. Rather, it is necessary to transcend all the differences between us. Personal stereotypes disturb and fail us in life. You can get rid of them if the importance of connecting with others is elevated above personal importance. Personal negative feelings are left below and everyone rises to the point of connection, to warmth and happiness. “Love covers all transgressions” (Proverbs 10:12).
From KabTV’s “New Life 254 – Stereotypes And Judgment,” 11/15/13
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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